This year, CanILF entered into a new partnership with Chief Simeon McKay Education Centre in Kasabonika Lake, Ontario to provide members of the community with children’s books and books by indigenous authors.
With the help of Joan Carpenter – a Kasabonika Lake teacher and CanILF volunteer – we have already provided more than 60 books, and are in the process of ordering and delivering another large shipment.
Joan noted that it was great to see so many books by First Nations authors, and that the baby books would be appreciated by young mothers in the area. One book in particular was destined for a student with special needs who was not able to attend school in person.
This partnership was assisted by Books and Company, a Prince Edward County bookstore, which has graciously offered discounts of up to 20% to support this project.
The Kasabonika Lake community is emerging from a long-term period of poverty. Access to the community is limited to fly-in and ice roads during the winter. Although internet speed is improving there are very few suitable books in the community, particularly for the growing community of young children. Education in the community has been severely hampered this year by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are seeking donations to expand our First Nations partnerships, both with additional books for Kasabonika Lake and with new communities. To help, please visit our donation page and choose option 3.) First Nations Project.